Le Grand Chypre Aftershave Splash

24.99 Разпродажба Запазване

Шипри ("SHEEP-ruhs") са може би любимата ни фамилия от аромати тук в Barrister and Mann®. Те имат дълга и историческа история, връщаща се чак до маниака на величието и парфюмния магнат Франсоа Коти , който създава семейството през 1917 г. (и незабавно предизвиква революция в ароматите).

Вдъхновен от миризмите, характерни за островната държава Кипър, Le Grand Chypre ("Leh Grond SHEEP-ruh") съчетава нотки на бергамот, лайм, лабданум, дъбов мъх и нотка пачули, за да създаде елегантно, цитрусово сърце. Обвихме го в нотки на праскова, роза, тамян, кедър, канела и други поддържащи аромати, за да създадем елегантен, леко плодов, свеж флорален дизайн, идеално подходящ за изисканата самобръсначка.

Нетно тегло 3,5 течни унции, Произведено в САЩ

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SD алкохол 40-B (денатуриран алкохол), вода от хамамелис (Hamamelis Virginiana), вода (Aqua), глицерин, аромат, таурин, протеинов фермент Chlorella Vulgaris/Lupinus Albus, екстракт от корен на елеутеро (Eleutherococcus Senticosus), алантоин, екстракт от листа на алое (Aloe Barbadensis), екстракт от цветя на немска лайка (Matricaria Recutita), органичен екстракт от корен от женско биле (Glycyrrhiza Glabra), ацетилсалицилова киселина, натриев лактат, провитамин B5 (DL-пантенол), лимонена киселина, бензоена киселина

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Customer Reviews

Based on 63 reviews
Todd O.
B&M Aftershave Splashes Are Top Tier For Me

Le Grande Chypre, Muir Wood, Leviathan, aftershave splashes all work very well for me. They feel good going on, and feel good hours later. They don't sticky or oily as the day progresses.

Great aftershave splash

Only rediscovered wet shaving a few months ago. Have tried several soaps and splashes. Barrister and Mann are all I use now. Love this scent. Great balance between mild and strong scent. Lasts thru-out the day. Excellent product. Nice size bottle. Definitely a must for those with the LGC soap. Plan on purchasing more soap/splash scent combos. Highly recommend this company.

Exactly what I was looking for.

I wanted something spicy, fruity and floral to soothe after a full head shave, fits the bill. Doesn't deviate a ton from Ralph Lauren Purple which I wear occasionally.

Joseph A.
Le Grand Chypre Aftershave

Very enjoyable. It may replace "Cheshire" as my favorite,

Taylor W.
Hard to see where this fragrance is going

The Le Grand Chypre fragrance really missed the mark for me. I am not the kind of person to just write negative reviews for the fun of it but I had to try and scrub off this aftershave almost immediately after I applied it. I guess it came off as floral but not in any way I could put a positive spin on it. I've tried quite a few of the different regular and seasonal fragrances over the years but this is the first time I've given up on one after a single use. I honestly couldn't pick out any particular notes listed in the description of the fragrance and was just put off by what seemed to me to be an overly concentrated floral/herbal melange. The soap and aftershave gave a fantastic shave performance as they always do but the fragrance really sunk the experience for me and it stings being out 50 bucks trying a fragrance the new quiz actually recommended to me.