Ubrique Aftershave Splash

24.99 Разпродажба Запазване

Лятото в Нова Англия е наситено зелено и светло, пейзажи със спираща дъха биология и природна красота. Ароматни цветове и плодове парфюмират въздуха, а самата земя сякаш излъчва хладен, спокоен аромат, когато слънцето залезе. Adagio е комбинацията от всички тези аромати, направени солидно, аромат на „хладен зелен плод“, състоящ се от лайм, череша, абсолют на виолетови листа, момина сълза и красив флорален мускус, наречен Galaxolide. Сапунът е закръглен с лека ментолова прохлада, не супер студена, но достатъчна, за да освежи лицето в знойното горещо време на лятото. Хладен, зелен, плодов и цветен, Adagio е отличен начин да поддържате лицето си остро и кожата ви да ухае приятно през цялото лято.

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Указания за употреба
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SD алкохол 40-B (денатуриран алкохол), вода от хамамелис (Hamamelis Virginiana), вода (Aqua), глицерин, аромат, таурин, протеинов фермент Chlorella Vulgaris/Lupinus Albus, екстракт от корен на елеутеро (Eleutherococcus Senticosus), алантоин, екстракт от листа на алое (Aloe Barbadensis), екстракт от цветя на немска лайка (Matricaria Recutita), органичен екстракт от корен от женско биле (Glycyrrhiza Glabra), ацетилсалицилова киселина, натриев лактат, провитамин В5 (DL-пантенол), лимонена киселина, бензоена киселина, ментол

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Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Charles K.
Wonderful aftershave

When I first opened the bottle it wasn't what I had expected and I wasn't sure that I liked it. Once I put it on though it was like a while different scent and it's fantastic. At usual for Barrister and Mann it works great as well

Buddy W.
Warm Leatherette

Leather, sandalwood and is that moss? Another winner from Barrister & Mann, who seem to consistently hit it out of the park.
Here's an idea, you should start a B&M club that we can join for $X a year, in which we get all of your new releases as they come out. Here, just TAKE my money why dontcha ;)

Asa N.
Mmmmm... Leatherlicious!

This is pretty much exactly what I have been wanting from Barrister and Mann. A traditional fragrance without an abundance of sweetness. Oddly, I much prefer the Umbrique aftershave to the EdP. I'm still trying to convince my nose that the dry down on the EdP isn't tedious and unappealing. I may just sell my bottle of the EdP and buy another bottle of the aftershave!

Taylor W.
Good Spring Fragrance

The actual performance of the splash is great as always. The Ubrique fragrance is a great spring fragrance with a bit of warmth from the sandalwood and a cooler leathery finish that both pair well with the subtle floral notes. Ubrique may be a little divisive but I'd wager it's just people who don't know if they actually like a leather fragrance vs. those that do.

Jon-Marc M.
Smells nothing like its description

I’ve loved several B&M products over the year including the Vespers shave soap that I purchased along with this splash. This smells like rubber and flowers. My wife and daughter both had visceral negative reactions. I enjoy a heavily orated scotch which others find off-putting at times but this turned even my nose off. I truly don’t think this is the product as intended and wonder about some mixup because up to this point B&M has been glorious (snowy fir trees or Earl Grey Tea are brilliant scent profiles they’ve mastered).