The Perfumery: There's Eugenol in Your Pumpkin Spice Latte and That's Okay
Eugenol is one of a plethora of misunderstood perfume ingredients. On this installment of The Perfumery, Will breaks down what it is, what it's used...
The Perfumery: Dior Eau Sauvage
In this installment of The Perfumery, Will reviews one of the most important masculine fragrances ever created: Dior Eau Sauvage!
Q1 2023 Release Schedule
Looking to plan out your purchasing for the next few months? Check out our helpful release schedule for Q1!
Big Things in Small Packages: The Story of Atomic Holiday
When we think of the development of nuclear fission, we generally think about "The Bomb." Or, really, two bombs. In many respects, they were the...
Notes from the Lab: More of a Good Thing
The beast has been tamed! Will details his success in finishing the base lavender accord in Lavender, Interrupted in this latest installment of Notes from...
Notes from the Lab: Giving Lavender Its Due
What's wrong with lavender just as nature made it? Why do we need to add new materials to change it? How to perfumers tune lavenders...
The Perfumery: Chanel's Paris - Édimbourg
If you're a vetiver lover who has tried all of the greats but is looking for something a touch lighter, then Édimbourg is absolutely for...
The Perfumery: Imaginary Authors' O, Unknown!
Will reviews O, Unknown! by Imaginary Authors: a buttery smooth, earthy, leathery glory that holds a special place in his personal fragrance collection. Read more...
A Square Peg in a Round Hole: How to Use a Refill Bar
We’ve gotten some questions about how best to use our refill bars, so we thought it might be helpful to write out a short guide!